Labour have devised a radical plan to stop the smuggling gangs with co-operatives. An anonymous source has shown our reporter a secret internal Labour Party document which outlines an innovative plan to stop the gangs smuggling migrants across the English Channel.
The idea is to undercut the gangs by using traditional socialist methods. Migrants will be encouraged to form their own co-operative societies to facilitate the crossing of the channel. These clubs will source boats, life jackets and essential supplies.
An international association formed from these local groups will produce pamphlets in several languages giving advice on navigation, survival at sea, and how to call the coastguard once the halfway point has been crossed.
The hoped-for effect is that the gangs will find their huge profits have disappeared. If the co-operatives make any profits, they will be reinvested or distributed to members.
A Labour Party spokesman refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of the plan. But he did say that it was important for Labour to stick to its principles whilst in government. 'These violent, capitalist gangs were classic exploiters of poor working class migrants,' he said. 'It was a manifesto commitment to stop the gangs, not the migrants'