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Following the discovery of a black hole at the Treasury by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, the James Webb Space Telescope has now been repositioned in an effort to study this fiscal phenomenon more closely.
N.A.S.A. spokesperson Jane Franklyn told us, “This is the telescope that discovered CEERS 1019, a supermassive black hole that existed just over 570 million years after the big bang. Now we are focussed on 1 HORSEGUARDS ROAD and another black hole formed some 38 years after the financial market deregulation big bang. See what I did there?”
However, early investigations have proved contradictory. “We are not getting consistent results” explained Jane. “We are trying to view this from all sides of the spectrum and from the blue side you might almost be tempted to think there was nothing there at all. However, when we shift towards infrared there it is in all its glory, a nebulous political anomaly, requiring immediate remedial action, such as cooling down millions of older bodies over the coming months.”
When asked how much longer the telescope might be utilised in this way, Ms Franklyn told us they were already pointing it back out into the Universe. “We find that Earthly peculiarities usually end up being a waste of our resources. After all, we never did discover which planet Donald Trump is on.”
image from pixabay
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