An elephant seal in a Turkish bath
A tin of Spam in an airing cupboard
Sir Philip Green at the BHS social club
A worm in a willywarmer
A bomb disposal expert with the hiccups
A ladybird in a field of venus flytraps
A tethered goat in Jurassic Park
A hedgehog in closet full of balloons
Boris Johnson on father's day
A zebra on a leopard crossing
A pervert in a bin full of tits
An ewok on Tatooine
A caber-tosser's jock strap
A morning after kebab
Chris Grayling on Mastermind.
A bomb disposal officer faced with a choice between cutting a green or a blue wire.
Boris Johnson surrendering his laptop for an Internet search history check
A wonky whelk at a woke Woking wake
A sausage on a sultry day
SteveB, Dagular, Chipchase, camz, Sinnick, Joanne Starkie