News of the possible abode emerged earlier in the week when a visitor reported walking the entirety of a Luton street without feeling under threat. He then posted details of the locale onto the SafefromthemUK.com website, which alerts Britons to places they needn’t cower in, and, in an emotional TikTok, wept about how he finally felt ‘part of the community of Britons again.’
But that wasn’t the end of the story. An eagle eyed Lutonite who fled the town decades ago confirmed that the supposed street the man was claiming to be part of Luton was in fact a model railway siding got up to resemble Browforth Street, L3. ‘The real Browforth street,’ the man confirmed, ‘is caked in dog shit. This place was far too pristine to ever be in Luton.’
When contacted about his emotional and geographical dishonesty, the TikToker would only say, ‘I won’t say whether the Luton street was real sized or miniature, but I will say that what I posted REFLECTS MY LIVED EXPERIENCED.’ He specifically asked for the last four words of that sentence to be quoted in caps. When the man talked about ‘his real lived experience’ your reporter recoiled and withdrew from confronting him further.
Luton has been in the reporting doldrums recently following decades of it being touted as the single most desirable place to reside in Europe. A succession of scandals involving resident despair and chronic architectural ugliness have left its once proud homeowners considering all measures, including moving to Slough. Once again, a succession of scandals involving resident despair and chronic architectural ugliness have left its once proud homeowners considering all measures, including moving to Slough.
Image: Pexels - Pixabay