Breakfasted on cold veal pie and then on to the Admiralty.
I understand that the King is greatly vexed with the Archbishop of Canterbury who had been lax in disciplining of his lay preachers, a John Smyth, who had administered beatings to boys in his care. The King was heard to utter ‘who will rid me of this timorous priest?’ Shortly afterwards, he received a letter of resignation. We must give thanks that the Sovereign is the Head of our Church of England.
News has come from the American colonies. It appears that the bellicose blowhard, Trump, is yet again stirring trouble. He intends to tax goods arriving on their shores. Outrageous! That is solely the purview of our government.
What times we live in.
Image credit: "Samuel Pepys, diarist" by lisby1Â is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.