
Beautiful scenes today, with winter becoming imminent, as the nation's train began their annual journey to hibernation.
As the first frosts of the season begin to bite, the majestic trains sense that now is the time to start their slumber-like inoperability and head for their home sheds. You can almost hear their diesel and electric yawns whilst they slowly shunt towards their well-earned sleep, stopping only to wait for their patient drivers to sweep leaves from the track to save the sensitive rolling stock. We won't see the vast majority of them now until early April when the temperature begins it's uptick and commuters threaten a bloody revolution.
Some of these trains have been being used solidly for more than a month with some even arriving at their destinations on-time on the right day. A incredible feat of great ambition. It's difficult not to be emotional as the train drivers shed a solitary tear as their charges are tucked up, comfortable and warm, moments before turning from them and heading to join yet another picket line.