West Bessen Council has taken the unusual step of transferring all of its roads and potholes to a community trust. The trust will be responsible for the upkeep of the roads, setting speed limits and managing parking restrictions.
A council spokesman said, 'This deal is good for the council and the community. We transferred our libraries to a community trust years ago, and they are all thriving. We replaced all those expensive librarians with lots of lovely, low-cost volunteers. And the community has done a great job looking after the library buildings. They are always ready with the plastic sheeting when heavy rain is forecast.
'We transferred responsibility for our sports centres to a community trust too. Now you can play badminton and short mat bowls all night if you want to. The community has found a way to extend the opening hours so that people can exercise around the clock. I believe they do this by leaving the key under the mat. There have been some concerns about people exercising alone, but these days everyone has a mobile, so it's not really a problem any more.
'So we have high hopes for our new way of managing roads. The road maintenance bills were very high and we think that volunteer road menders will be able to keep costs to a minimum. The council is selling its Stop-Go boards to the trust, so they will be fully equipped.
'We will finally be able to pass all those complaints about potholes, road markings and debris to someone else. And the trust will have to adjudicate on all those ghastly local parking issues. I can't tell you how pleased we are to get shot of all that. Actually, I can tell you. I'm telling you now. We are very pleased to get shot of all that. And you can quote me.'
Image: Newsbiscuit Library