Organisers of next year’s Glastonbury Festival have created a new pre-ticket ordering system in a bid to beat ticket touts and alleviate some of the chaos normally involved with applying to attend.
Anyone wishing to buy a Glasto 2025 package will first have to attend in person at Worthy Farm, and present themselves to one of the kiosks set up in the cow sheds. It is assumed that only seasoned festival goers will be fine with trudging across muddy fields to accomplish this initial task, and that tout bots might struggle.
Once inside the shed they will be photographed, have their personal details recorded and their inside leg measurement taken. Such biometric information will be compared when the jamboree begins. They will also be asked to identify a number of traffic lights, just in case any bots have managed to sneak through. Finally a couple of hoops outside to jump through and they can leave with a registration number for the online booking queue later in the month.
Government ministers will be relieved to hear their tickets will arrive in the normal way via a plain brown envelope.
Image: DanikPrihodko - Pixabay