Earlier today, Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng was seen being led away from Downing Street wearing a straitjacket, before being bundled into the back of a van by men in white coats.
Dr Valium from St Cuthbert’s Asylum for the Bewildered in Barking told us, 'We’d been looking for him for some time, he’s always wandering off and getting into mischief, bless him. Kwasi Kwarteng isn’t even his real name - it’s Keith Crump, that’s why it took us a while to find him. Thinks he’s Chancellor of the Exchequer this time, does he? Blimey, that’s a laugh – he can’t even add up how many fingers and toes he’s got without getting confused, poor sod. He does like watching Count von Count on his Sesame Street DVDs though, maybe that’s what put the idea into his addled brain that he could do a job where he’s in charge of counting.'
Dr Valium went on to say, 'While we’re on the subject of escaped lunatics, you haven’t seen an insane looking blonde woman wandering around, have you? Talks about cheese and pork markets a lot, thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher..?'
Image from Pixabay by aitoff