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Ironically early Christmas adverts just as annoying as the real thing

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Ironic Christmas adverts that call attention to how absurdly early they are airing are just as irritating as the real thing, according to a highly scientific study.

These advertisements, which hit the public’s screens as early as the beginning of October, are shrouded in a thick layer of sarcasm, but in fact provoke the same enraged reaction in the viewer as a sincere ad would.

Encouraging people to get Christmas done early with a wink and a nudge, is no less obnoxious than a supermarket putting up its Christmas tree pre-Halloween, or a small child handing you her present list before the schools go back, scientists report.

“Self-awareness can only go so far,” said one angry couch potato. “Just because the ads themselves point out how early in the year it is, doesn’t mean I can accept hearing Noddy Holder and Bing Crosby before the leaves have turned brown. I’m still holding onto summer!”

Researchers warned that these adverts may contain knowing references to Halloween, bored teenagers rolling eyes at overexcited parents and unseasonal amounts of tinsel. The only known way to avoid the horror is to get off the sofa and venture outside into the mild autumn air.

“If you think this is bad, wait till we reach November,” the report concludes.

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