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Ken Loach expelled from Labour Party for calling Keith, ‘Keith’

Award winning film maker and humanitarian, Ken Loach has been told to leave the Labour Party, as there is no place for democratic socialists in a democratic socialist party. He was also chastised for referring Sir Keith Starmer as ‘Keir’, I mean ‘Keith’, ‘Keir’, no its ‘Keith’, ‘Keir’ – ‘Keir’? Yes, its Keith.

‘Cathy Come Home’, ‘Kes’ and ‘I, Daniel Blake’ – are to name but three films that Sir Keir has never watched – or understood. In fact, the Labour Leader cites the movie ‘Wallstreet’ as his type of left-wing economics and ‘Starship Troopers’ as his vision of the future.

A Labour Spokesman confirmed: ‘Ken no longer shares the values of this party – because we have all become colossal arseh$les’.

Many supporters of Sir Keir, all two of them, have expressed frustration that everyone gets his name wrong; in a childish attempt to devalue his successes, all two of them. A close friend tried to explain: ‘His name is not Keith as well, you know. It’s Sir F$cknuggets’

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