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A survey carried out in England has revealed unprecedented levels of indifference to the idea of Welsh independence.
”In previous surveys, the majority of responses to the question have been ‘Really?’ or ‘You’re kidding, right?’” said a spokesman for the survey company, Idlewind.
”This is the first time the third option, ‘OK, well… whatever’ has been in the majority. This denotes a marked shift from outright incredulity to accepting the possibility, but not giving a toss either way.”
Some respondents selected a fourth option, which suggested Welsh independence might already have happened but hadn’t made the news.
Mark Drakeford, the First Minister (or Whiny Dog) of Wales, said he was pleased the English weren’t more strongly in favour, as it might lead the Welsh to vote against it out of spite.
The result stands in marked contrast to English attitudes to Scots independence, which range from wild enthusiasm to making concrete plans for what to do with the money saved.
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