It starts with the USA slamming Columbia up against the lockers and stealing their coffee and strutting off and seeing what Greenland has in their lunchbox. North Korea giggles and throws a drinks can which misses everything and lands in a pond.
Russia, still with a plaster over their nose from the fight with Ukraine, smiles whilst sitting menacingly in the corner. China looks around to see how everyone reacts and then throws something at Taiwan. The European Clique tuts, shakes their heads and goes back to their trading cards.
The UK still aimlessly wanders around trying to not cause a scene, complimenting China’s trainers, giving Ukraine a thumbs up and asking what game the rest of Europe is playing.
Poland looks at Finland and nods whilst excessively sharpening a pencil, waiting for any excuse to mess Russia up. Wonder how that story is going to pan out. They will still run with the ongoing middle east crisis shenanigans, Israel is still kicking a curled-up Palestine but at least that awful Syrian plot has taken a new direction.
The new version of the USA might not last a full season, but it has everyone’s interest whether they like the new character arc or not.
Photo by Mathias Reding on Unsplash