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Writer's pictureDoctor Chutney

Bric-a-brac shortage threatens school Christmas fayres

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Christmas fayres are a fundraising staple of many a school year, but a worldwide shortage of bric-a-brac means these festive events are under threat.

Most bric-a-brac is produced in China but a combination of Brexit, Covid and global warming has meant a serious decline in production. Importers say this year is the worst they can remember, and taken with other shortages of knick-knacks and wot-nots means the curio market is in crisis.

Headteacher, Margaret Coyle, says she’s uncertain if her primary school fayre can go ahead this December. “The first thing parents look for on the poster is Bric-a-brac stall, even though most of them haven’t a clue what it means. I’ve said for years we should be producing more tat in this country and relying less on imports.”

The Department for Education are reported to be in urgent talks with the W.I. who may well be stockpiling.

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