A pub in Essex has been raided by police after customers complained there were no right-wing offensive memorabilia on display.
'No swastikas, no golliwogs, no framed portraits of Nigel Farage in sight,' said a Detective Constable today.
'Obviously we tried to give them advice on the right way to display any golliwogs they might find - preferably with a correctly tied noose around their necks, but they weren't up for listening. We pointed out we had better things to do with our time, what with raping and abusing law abiding citizens, but zero interest. We tried to give them leaflets on how to be racist, some Britain First tee shirts we had going spare, but they wouldn't take any notice.
'Of course, we've arrested them, charged them with wasting police time. We also noticed they had RNLI collection containers on the bar so we've charged them with offences related to funding terrorist organisations as well,' he added.
photo: https://pixabay.com/users/kbha-9658148/