It’s the season of lazy journalism and news stories that barely meet the absolute minimum standard for being news. At least the top internet searches of 2024 are, in some sense of the word, facts. Kind of.
Anyway, here is the top ten:
1 (censored)
3 Nope, can’t print that one either.
4 (redacted: mad, bad, and unkind to hamsters)
5 ***** ***** ***** Meghan and ***** ***** ***** Harry
6 Cute kitten videos (finally!)
7 (withdrawn on the very strong recommendation of the CIA)
8= Recession, inflation, doom, interest rates, energy prices, war, famine, Rachel Reeves
9 (entry deleted, to deny E*** M*** the oxygen of publicity)
10 Are Russian bots pushing Reform messages into my social media, or am I just a bad person?
Picture credit: anirudh-wKeZstqxKTQ-unsplash.jpg