Westminster School Annual Report
Name: Sunak, R
Individual Grades
Economics Grade C
Good understanding of key concepts but not so clear on the impacts. Less concerned than most about the rising prices in the Tuck Shop but when they stabilised again, tried to claim the credit. Sometimes blamed students from a rival house when his marks were lower than expected.
Environmental Studies Grade D
Didn’t always turn up for classes and appears to have a relaxed attitude toward deadlines. While he attended this year’s field trip to Dubai, he wanted to travel on his own flight rather than with the rest of the class.
Games Grade B-
Not always very participatory. Wouldn’t join in with swimming, saying his own pool was “better”. In rowing, needed to focus more on his role (as cox), rather than shouting at smaller boats trying to join the race.
Personal appearance Grade A+
Exemplary. Always neat and tidy. Even though a senior student, still appears happy to wear shorts.
Woodwork Grade C
Continues to employ tools inappropriately.
Headmaster’s summary
Master Sunak took over as Head Pupil under difficult circumstances, when the previous incumbent was sacked after using school funds for gambling. He was very clear at the start of the year as to what he wanted to achieve and I believe these results show satisfactory progress towards these ends.
R Murdoch, Headmaster
Social Development summary
Showed exemplary ability to get on with some pupils who had behavioural problems and who have since been excluded or suspended. However, unfortunately blamed our overworked but popular School Nurse for the lack of beds and the number of pupils waiting for treatment.
I R Woake, Head of Pastoral Development Team