Q: Can everyone see what total knobs Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Elon Musk are, or am I wearing magic glasses?
Q: My wife assured me her 'Mrs Always Right' mug was microwave safe. It turns out it wasn't. How does one proceed from a marital point of view?
Q: Given that wars are generally fought over invisible things - borders, gods, principles etc. - can I invade the Houses of Parliament over my pension?
Q: I am putting out a petition calling for the OED to redefine the word 'celebrity' - any takers?
Q: It struck me that the European response to any world conflict would be doomed if it was centred around EU or NATO military collaborations. Would it be better to proceed with a Eurovision Alliance?
Footnote: Pibling is a word. Google it.
Scary picture credit: Wix AI