Once again Deskpilot has topped the leaderboard by a considerable margin. Also once again we have to invoke the Wren rule which states that a writer can't be crowned Writer of the Month two months concurrently, so the virtual mug goes to Nicka for his not-too-shabby 28 points.
There are many other great scores on the board below.
Below the leaderboard is the cartoon of the month and below that the 108 headlines that were published this month.

Front Page, News in Brief and Features
ian searle
Jim Skinz
Midfield Diamond
Paul L
Walter Eagle
Cartoon of the month goes to Lockjaw for Back home after that first term at Uni
Adrian Bamforth
Labour to announce targets on number of targets to be met
Protesters say Imran Khan's imprisonment 'just not cricket'
Scottish Met Office warns of t shirt weather
Diarrhoea conference off to explosive start
Last two candidates to illustrate auction catalogue have to draw lots
Starmer’s targets make not one mention of the release of the sausages
Bestselling console game in Yorkshire this Christmas is Grand Theft Pie
Saudi World Cup to be cleanest ever by combining Sports Washing & Money Laundering
Assad's toilet rolls already on Ebay
BBC expected to dial down the Gavin & Stacey stories in February
BBC refuses to comment on 'culture of silence'
Cate Blanchett's avatar worried about impact of AI
Chutney maker sacked after getting into a pickle
Chutney maker sacked after getting into a pickle
Compo results: LGBT veterans £70k - Waspi women £nil
Disorganised angler is floundering
Dr Who still not as good as it used to be
Fake skin cream contains highlyironic acid
Government introduces replacement transport minister service
Govt issues 524 page plan to address excess packaging
Illegal channel crossings stopped immediately - by legalising them
Innovative fireman blazes a trail
King takes away Cadbury's royal warrant because Flakes remind him of Andrew
Leaf collector is raking in the cash
NHS improvement plan is a sticking plaster
Obesity report recommendations carry considerable weight
Piss poor piemaker fails to earn a crust
Pizza Express loses royal warrant
Report into dodgy decorator is a whitewash
Rubble - not all it's cracked up to be
Russia keen to start a new war with Azerbaijan
Samaritans not happy with Christmas Jumper day
Shepherd decides against flock wallpaper
Singles night experience was matchless
Starmer unveils election pledge millstones
Tardis crash: investigators seek blue box flight recorder
Waspi women retire hurt
Dick Everyman
Archbishop’s hair shirt supplier sees profits soar...
Ooh la la! Ta ra!
Wallace ‘more than qualified’ for White House chef position
Man who found his window of opportunity smashes it
Doctor Chutney
Garden centre power struggle at the heart of turf war
Spacecraft attempts closest-ever approach to Sun just to avoid visiting relatives
Trump only invited to Notre Dame opening to play Quasimodo
Wallace led me around on all fours, says Gromit
Bashar Street Kids not sure if they can celebrate yet
ian searle
Dr Who fans disappointed Tom Baker wasn't elevated to the House of Time Lords
Elon Musk offers to buy Britain for Nigel Farage
Robbie Williams biopic depicting him as a chimp is rated PG
Shortage of sprouts blamed on Brussels
I don't see why everyone's so scared of Storm Darr- aaagh!
jim Skinz
Gregg Wallace to replace Prince Andrew in royal family
Single cigarette takes £1.30 off your life, say scientists
Single man with bad handwriting is UK's most illegible bachelor
Chinese spy's name revealed as Dun No Wong
Gromit accuses Wallace of grooming
Transport Secretary thrown under bus
Andrew can't even send out for a Chinese now
Assad: 'I didn't run away. It was a special relocation operation'
South Korea's president: Yoo Suk Dood
Who nicked all the pies?
Crab-fishing industry feeling the pinch
Fishmonger accused of seafood abuse calls accusations 'codswallop'
Government's Handling of Sewage Leaks an utter '$hit Show'
Latest nits outbreak leaves experts scratching heads
Nudist has winning streak at local bingo
Pepper Mill Manufacture Grinds to a Halt over Christmas
Andrew warned if there are any more mistakes he'll have to use the servant's entrance
Busy pharmacy imposes congestion charge
Cashless Society meeting cancelled when no one has coins for parking meter
Christmas: The end is in sight!
Conservatives urged to get their servants to join, to stay ahead of Reform
Labour brings in Tory cuts
Masterchef to remain on air with Wallace's head replaced by deepfake potato
Prince Andrew sweating now
Putin: Sorry someone shot down your stupid plane
Russia warns against 'thinking' after Azerbaijan Airlines crash
Midfield Diamond
Wallace replaced by middle class woman of a certain age
Black Friday gun sales rise after first Thanksgiving following Trump election
Christmas farts to be 25% louder says Tesco
David Attenborough 'disappointed' the BBC wouldn’t fund series about the Wombles of Wimbledon Common
Diddy strongly denies Andrew was at one of his parties
Doctors strongly advise against staple diets
Missing shepherd and huge pie puts wife under suspicion
Parliamentary joint committee runs out of Rizlas
Police charge man with battery
Punchy headline writer keeps knocking them out
Quitters Anonymous disband during first meet
Ruthless bounty hunter tears confectionery shop apart
Ruthless bounty hunter tears sweet shop apart
Simpleton dazed after being struck by a thought
Starmer sets out new target to be in bed by 11pm
Woman stil
Weight Watchers: still big in UK
Newport Council goes digital and installs first Fax machine
Prince Andrew to spend Christmas at Pizza Express in Woking
Woman took time off work to have a Brazilian butt lift. Now she’s all behind
Farmer has harrowing experience while ploughing fields
UK to enter Reeves-cession
Korea? What? Really? The good one?
'So Nigel Farage. What first attracted you to the billionaire Elon Musk?'
Biden declines to pardon Greg Wallace
Chinese spy denies being a friend of Prince Andrew
Church of England resigns
Labour govt. makes absolute commitment to reduce immigration 'to some extent'
NASA, very sensibly, sends probe to sun at coldest time of year
Putin defeated - in Syria
Vegetarians in conflict with 'meat, too' movement